
Seed Grant Program


Application Process

Apply Now
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    Applicants will submit proposals via an Questbook application form provided by the Starknet Foundation team.

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    Internal Evaluation

    Each application will be assessed by members of the Starknet Foundation and Starkware team based on criteria such as potential impact, innovation, milestones, community engagement & track record, and embeddedness with the Starknet ecosystem.

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    We plan to communicate decisions on your application within an approximate two week timeframe.

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    Upon signing a grant agreement and completing KYC, the Starknet Foundation will send funds.

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    Grant Deliverables

    After completion of the work, the Foundation will assess results and share deliverables (blog post, video, AMA) with the team.

Who Can Apply?

The grants will be awarded to individuals and teams demonstrating promising results in building applications on Starknet, using any combination of the following criteria:

  • Prior development experience on Starknet.
  • Active involvement in the Starknet community, indicated by participation in a Starknet hackathon, builder program, or another entry-level initiative.
  • Willing to submit a demo or links to a proof of concept or MVP.
  • Planning on using or building upon existing Starknet tools and integrations.

All applicants will be required to provide a clear roadmap detailing how the grant will be used within the next three months.

Who is Not Eligible

Projects currently affiliated with the Starknet Foundation’s Developer Partnership are not eligible to participate in the Seed Grants Program. Ineligible applications include anything related to:

  • Gambling
  • Drugs
  • Firearms
  • Illicit trade
  • Money laundering
  • Any criminal activity

Apply Now!